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Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Big steps!

That's right folks, my little boy took his very first steps ALL BY HIMSELF! Could I be any prouder? I mean really, that's a BIG deal! I have been following him around constantly with my camera because I knew it could be just any day. He has been walking behind a walker for a couple of months now and just recently has been wanting us to hold his hands and walk him around the house, yard, etc. So I knew those precious first steps would come sooner than I was ready. I mean technically he is a "toddler" now. Ahhh, it breaks my heart and makes me happy at the same time. Being a mama is so bittersweet. So where did it happen? I naturally thought it would happen at home since that's mostly where he gets brave and tries it. But, no. My sister and I met Kayla and her babies at Relay for Life on Friday night. I ran into an old friend that I hadn't seen in like a year and was trying to catch up with her while my sister graciously wrangled my child. She had him down on the grass playing when the next thing I knew she was yelling at me to look. He took one little step and I freaked out! I mean tears came to my eyes I was yelling and clapping, there were a million people around probably wondering what was wrong with me. Did I care? No, my baby just had a very important milestone and this mama was going to celebrate it. On the other hand, he thought something was wrong and started crying. So, note to self, do not freak out because you will scare your baby and he will think walking is something bad. He took 4 more steps to my friend's boyfriend (whom he had never met by the way) and was happy as a little lark about it. Since then, he's taken a couple of steps here and there by himself. He is going to be everywhere in NO time. He's growing up on me. But I am so thankful he is a happy, healthy, little walker! 

He loves wearing sunglasses!

My little walker

Walking to my friend's boyfriend haha!

The pictures are blurry because we were so excited we forgot to turn the flash on the camera ha! 

Have a blessed day!


T Sharee said...

I'm happy to wrangle him anytime!!!!! Love that sweet boy!!!!

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