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Tuesday, April 17, 2012

My First Post!

I am most definitely new to this blogging world, but I thought this would be an easy way to keep up with what my little man is doing on a daily basis. I also thought it would be fun to share with our friends and family who are interested in reading it. I'll try not to make it too boring and if it is I'm sorry. This is just a place for me to have to look back and remember these sweet baby days. I'm also going to try to back up and sort of keep up with what he was doing at each month (if I ever get the time haha).

So for now this is his 9 month post. He is crawling EVERYWHERE and he is into EVERYTHING! He is standing on his own and acts like he wants to take a step. He'll pick up his foot and then fall to the ground and take off crawling as fast as he can. I keep joking that we should enter him into a crawling contest.

He has started this adorable fake laugh and when he gets into something he's not supposed to he will look at me and do that sweet little giggle that makes it hard for me to say no. AND HE KNOWS IT!

He has started eating some table food but he actually prefers his baby food which I suppose is a good thing.

He says ma ma, da da, na na, and uh-oh. He whispers pa pa and Tate Tate, I have no clue why he won't say them out loud.

The child LOVES his bath. All I have to say is, "Tatum would you like a bath?" and he crawls straight to the bathroom and waits for me at the tub. He even tries to take his shirt off for me.

He has 3 teeth two middle bottom ones and one on the top that we call his "fang". He's working on his top middle two and the other "fang" on the top.

He is a hoot and does something new and funny everyday and I want to remember everything! So hopefully I can post here daily. Thanks for reading and I hope I don't bore you!

Daily Bible Verse: "that your faith should not stand in the wisdom of man, but in the power of God." 1 Corinthians 2:5


T Sharee said...

Love my sweet Tate Tate!

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